[Rt's highly appreciated💕]
Hi there!
I'll attend Comipara 3 at JEC, Yogyakarta on 21-22 Dec '24. And here's my catalog~ (Doujin preview in reply👇)

Fandom: Tondemo Skill / Tonsuki / Campfire Cooking
Booth: AYAM GUAVA [F05]

58 311

This is our first time and I will be opening a booth!

💙COMIC PARADISE | Booth E-04 "Aomidori no Kizuna"💚
21-22 Desember 2024
Jogja Expo Center, Yogyakarta
OTS Only, Limited Stock
Fandom : Hololive, Honkai Star Rail

Thank you & see you there!

49 185

Yogyakarta Line Infantry

41 250

SNBP DKV ISI Yogyakarta '23!🦈😭

35 187

Yoo PO utk pick up di Yogyakarta sudah dibukaa~ barangnya sama persis kayak cf16 di quoted ini!

🔗 https://t.co/41OaojdQSI
⏰ ~Mar 25 (Mar 22 utk keychain & epoxy)
📍 Sunny Day Circle (nomor diinfokan nanti)

Ku tunggu orderan dari mu 🫶🏻
Thank you! https://t.co/CngNt4IbDh

0 1

Bregada Wirabraja

Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

2 6

Bregada Patangpuluh

Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat




5 18

Prajurit Dhaeng, Keraton Ngyayogyakarta Hadiningrat


4 21

i still drawing stuff, guys. I just don't have that much spare time anymore due to my full-time job now.

Anyway, here's some doodle. Dhaeng Corps of Yogyakarta Palace. Originally Mercenaries and Marines from Celebes, then Employed as Soldiers in Mataram then Yogyakarta.

0 10

Hai halo! I'm Athiya, illustrator for any-goods-you-want from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 🌼

1 1

--"MEREKA" yang ikut berjaga malam--
a thread

"Menelisik Kisah Horror Security Kampus Yogyakarta"

322 1134

Hari ini, 2 tahun yang lalu pukul 00:00, D.I.Yogyakarta.

"Jadi sekarang kita pacaran?"
"Iyaa, tapi boleh lepas gak? Tugas kita belum selesai loh."
(mereka lalu tertawa)

5 16

Alternate country : Sultanate of Yogyakarta
Oke lengkap sudah 3 branch utama
- Army
- Army-Naval Air Sevice -> Air Force
- Navy

1 11

Mohon bantu RT ya🙏

Dibutuhkan donor darah apheresis B+ area Yogyakarta terutama sekitar RS Sardjito, untuk pasien Leukimia Limfosit a/n Berto. Diutamakan laki-laki.

Apabila bersedia dapat menghubungi Belva (https://t.co/RI37uVqE6i)

bantuan kalian sangat berarti untuk Berto.

74 52

Motif: Sogan Klasik

Batik Sogan klasik merupakan jenis batik yang identik dengan daerah keraton Jawa yaitu Yogyakarta dan Solo, motifnya pun biasanya mengikuti pakem motif-motif klasik keraton. Sogan Yogya dan Solo juga dapat dibedakan dari warnanya. (cont)

0 0

Hello travellers!!

Yok kita intip katalog merchants keren yang bakalan ada di Inazuma Irodori Festival: Tour to Inazuma nanti!

Lengkapi tur ke Inazuma mu dengan beli merchandise khas festival disini~

2 0

[Vacation Time, Healing Time]
From July 26th to August 4th, I will visit these three places for my vacation with my gramps!
Yes, it's on Java!
See you around, I guess hehe!

1 11

Chichi and leo on Yogyakarta! who wants to join us?😄

Auction starts tomorrow at 11 a.m. Jakarta time or 4 a.m. UTC❗️ with reserve 1
Everyone who bids on this auction will able to clain pNFT Chichi with kebaya, so don’t miss it💗

21 40

Chichi and leo goes to Yogyakarta! soon auction on ❤️‍🔥

6 48

3AM, yogyakarta- WIP, gonna drop our genesis on ! with tonight

need more coffee,plz

6 32