Yoki shows her true power after being mocked...

Commissioned by !!

51 651

伊波洋貴(Inami Yoki)さんを描かせていただきました!

14 104

Oya? Don’t look so intimidated yokaidachi~ ( ¬‿¬ )


110 1310


99 959

Are you shy? Hehe~
I know how shocking it must be to go to an onsen with a cute yokai like me~ 🍶


79 803

Don't look so surprised, i'm magic after all ✨
Merry Christmas! 🎁


62 647

Merry Christmas~ 🎄
I think I’m the perfect gift! 🎁

🖋️» mofumofu117117

93 866

Don't get the wrong idea 💢💢

274 3179

I can grant any wish of yours! — as long as it‘s me of course ✨


111 1110

Cute? Adorable? Of course! I am a yokai after all~ (๑>ᴗ<๑)✨


190 1859

It’s only natural you can’t help but stare, a yokai as cute as me tends to have that effect on people ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ ) ✨


48 595

Caught by a yokai~

255 2693

Me and my wife (im winning) ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭


114 1302

If it’s luck you want, why not make a donation to me? I’ll give you all the luck you’ll ever need!! (ノ ≧ڡ≦)✨💸


39 390