체인소맨 요시다 히로후미


--"나는 요시다. 사이좋게 지내자."--

27 117

「止まない雨はない」より先に その傘をくれよ
あれが欲しい これが欲しい
全て欲しい ただ虚しい

day 2 !! yoshida w his bangs clipped up like a maltese :') tbh he doesn't look dead enough oh well

1 4

สภาพสู้ชีวิตหาคนชิปด้วยไม่เจอ 🐙🌞

5 17

Mr steal your man 🐙 yoshida

I drew him at 2 am and I didn’t wanna finish softening/smoothing it smh

8 32

YOSHIDA MY BOY😭 waiting 2 weeks for new chainsaw man chapters to drop is killing me orz

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