✨ KAWAII#14 sold for 0.15 $avax

Patient Kawaii Dude here! I'm no ordinary dude, my body isn't quite tan. I'm a bit of a mystery but I'm here to stay! Just goes to show that you don't have to look a certain way to be accepted.

1 2

We all have changed... sadly. Most of our changes come from criticism, opinions... close friends.. family. Who we think have the truth... The only truth is your truth.

1 2

Force And Mind Will Always Be Opposite Forces!

6 22

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." -- Muhammad Ali

6 54

Advice from Ayn Rand's Father...Still Inspires Today.

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"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." -Muhammad Ali

5 28

Have Haters? Take HEART! For Your Independence, Courage and Conviction!

Watch This If You Have A Moment this Evening! https://t.co/SFRtEN2ZYx

7 25

Yours Is The Earth And Everything That's In It!

Kipling’s immortal paean to perseverance is a worthy daily meditation in trying times... Read in full here: https://t.co/Yo6riHG3O3

0 14

If it's IMPORTANT you'll find a WAY. If it's NOT you'll find an EXCUSE.

Have A Second To Spare? https://t.co/PKExkjCtlJ

1 6

Learn From Your Mistakes, Keep On Learning And Growing!

See This! https://t.co/GYaXmjsvKb

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