and zangief won again

14 265

Celebration of the dark moons. Zangief


365 4131





3 30

Zangief mains trying to process what just happened:

538 3320


9 14

Today is Valentine's Day here in Brazil. 🥰
So here's an artwork of the most recent favorite couple of by 😁🦁❤️🐻
Hope y'all like it! 🫶

702 3113

I don't like fighting grapplers but I like drawing Zangief. I'm excited for SF6. Quick sketch from yesterday

2 8

I made this drawing after seeing the first gameplay of these two...
I didn't expect it to become canon XD

933 5504

I was inspired when said that Zangief was going too fast for to catch.

35 343

It's well known that in their natural habitat, Grappler mains drink glue. But did you know that depending on which grappler they main, their favorite glue will be different?
for example: Zangief players tend to prefer drink Elmer's while Potemkin mains prefer Gorilla Glue.

157 918

DEATH BATTLE! Reporter Cookie VS Zangief VS GravityMan.EXE VS Kasa Jizo

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Shiny Sheath Singlet ™️for Zangief.

60 242

Doing some more work on Zangief. Some shiny shading

59 232

Zangief RETURNS to SF6 and the speculation is all over the place - we know he's getting some of his SF2 victory postures back. Have you watched the developer match footage released? Let us know what you think in the comments!

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