Hey gang...gotta admit, I had a lot of fun with this one.

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Zardoz comic part 2

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"He who fights too long against dragons, becomes a dragon himself."... ZARDOZ

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Oh boy, how could I have forgotten this gem from 1973…


There was definitely something in the air that year.

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Zardoz (1974)
(Artist: )
Director: John Boorman

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Random cartoon from the Larchives. I was looking for something else and came across this Zardoz Chicken. Enjoy.

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No dialogue I could write compares to this image. 🤣 Taking suggestions 👀

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I am an intergalactic overlord from another universe, and I'm looking for a good time!
Hedgiez minting now at https://t.co/25ER066Zgb !!!

Join us: https://t.co/NsM6f4sIyX

6 8


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It's like when I had COVID and I just couldn't sleep. So I watched Zardoz and Excalibur and then, when I put Cannonball Run on, all I could see was epic allegory and the power of heroic myth instead of Dom DeLuise and Jack Elam goofing about with Burt.

21 156

New Post: Comic: Signing Off 81 / Pink and Lost / Stable Shorts 141 / Thrifty Pony / Singing Storm 21 / Movie Slate: Zardoz / Summer Sun Celebration 1-2 https://t.co/RziYclGQUd

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【🇵🇭ボルテスVハイネル=Prince Zardoz役のMartin del RosarioをTV局GMAが直撃⁉︎ 】
😙彼はハイネル役にプレッシャーを感じつつも研究中。マーベルの悪役ロキを参考にしようとしているみたいです。是非 いい役に仕上げて欲しい‼︎
😙イラスト全身はプロフ直下にRTしてます。#ボルテスV https://t.co/T2et3M7HpF

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【ボルテスV Prince ZARDOZ the last battle】プリンス ハイネル最後の戦い

😗最終40話の健一との最後の戦いのイメージで描いてみましたー 剣術を修練しているならきっと細マッチョだろう...

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😁🇵🇭ハイネルはプリンス・ザルドス(ZARDOZ)って言うんですね。Martin del Rosarioさんです。


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New TOMORROW PEOPLE card by freshly minted! Go take a look in the collection at Zardoz Gallery ✨

👉 https://t.co/j0s8n3U35N

👉 https://t.co/P6LfdLdUPI

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Sean Connery’s best movie. Ok, maybe not, but definitely one of my favs.

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