Them!! Akari, Aarde, Robin. Ketiganya jago brantem (walau Akari lebih ke penggunaan senjata). Kuat fisik juga 👍👍
Tapi bukan perkasa berotot sih 🤔🤔🤔

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Quite a lot actually! (Surprisingly)

1 n 2: Aseki and Youshi, they're cousins, both families are alive and their story is prety much advanture thing
3. Zhalia, has a normal family
4. Nao, her family is poor but is full of love


1 1

Finally trying out CSP 😭😭😭 I've had it for months but haven't been experimenting there shhshshsh

2 3

Kitsune bf 😳💖

Sagira as 7-tailed kitsune 💖

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Result for collab! Thank you for letting me join 🙏🙏💖💖

2 7

bdnsdbsjbdjasndbjdnsbdns I luv they

Michiko and Sagira 🥺💖

1 1

Meet the twins! ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ)

Solis & Aster Gwenyth~

2 4

The sketch is old but at least I finish a drawing jsnsnnsnsn have my baby girl Meiko 💖

3 4

Have my girl Maritha 💖

I tried to go anime-ish style so I can have 2 different styles 😭😭

4 13

That bruh moment when you just realized you accidentally designed your couple OCs with complimentary colors


4 5


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🌿We're giving away 2 beautiful new books about the natural world: 'Rockpools' by Ned Barraud and 'Mr Kiwi has an Important Job' by Heather Hunt over on our FB page 🌿 - - >

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【発売中!】「THE UNLIMITED 兵部京介」コミカライズ第5話「暗殺のメロディ」(3)完結編、少年サンデーS9月号にて解き放たれてます!ぜひ雑誌サイズの迫力あるアンリミテッドモードの目撃者に!!  

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【告知!】「THE UNLIMITED 兵部京介」コミカライズ第5話「暗殺のメロディ」(3)完結編が7/25発売の少年サンデーSにて解き放たれます!さあ今こそキミも、闇にしか裁けない原罪の目撃者に! 

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【発売中!】「THE UNLIMITED 兵部京介」コミカライズ第4話!少年サンデーSにて、表紙&巻頭カラーで解き放ち中です!ヒノミヤのスナイパーっぷりと兵部のピカレスクっぷりをぜひ誌面で!!

72 70

【告知!】「THE UNLIMITED 兵部京介」コミカライズ第4話「暗殺のメロディ」〈2〉6/25発売の少年サンデーSにて、表紙&巻頭カラーで解き放たれます!さあキミもアンディ・ヒノミヤの初仕事にロック・オン!!#Zchildren

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【告知っ!】「THE UNLIMITED 兵部京介」コミカライズ第4話「暗殺のメロディ」〈2〉6/25発売の少年サンデーSにて、表紙&巻頭カラーで解き放たれます!!アンディ・ヒノミヤの初仕事は果たして!!#Zchildren

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