for: snowwingwig
prompt: kmhn pokémon au, Komaeda has an Eldegoss and Leafeon, Hinata has a Chespin and a Zigzagoon, go wild with outfits (I’d like to have Komaeda wearing overalls unless you think of a design that would be super fitting though <3)

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Solrock, Lunatone, Poochyena, Houndour, Goomy, Staryu, Zorua, Applin, Zigzagoon, Alolan Vulpix...

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Iroha - Steel/Normal type gym

Sadly, I can't put Samurott nor Greninja with her..

Pokemon list: Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Kingambit, Lucario, Zoroark(Hisuian), Kartana

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6. Favorite Regional Variant

Close call with Galar Zigzagoon, BUT I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH

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🦡Galarian Zigzagoon, Linoone, and Obstagoon for Pokemon Go's August Community Day - Shiny versions!🦡

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Many regional variants of Pokémon have been either implied or confirmed to be the original species.
Notable examples include Alolan Exeggutor, Galarian Zigzagoon, and Hisuian Voltorb

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7. Lycanroc (Midnight)

Like Juniper having Minccino at the start, Kukui starts with a Rockruff, later having seemingly evolved it into a midday Lycanroc.
Midday and Dusk forms would likely have been repeat colors with Charmander and Zigzagoon, so I instead went with Midnight.

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Potential parents (since this is a breeding move)

Mankey, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Slakoth, Slaking, Skitty, Espurr, Meowstic.

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💙🦝🍤 Zigzagoon, Furret, and Shinx is probably the best I can do

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This boi is cuter and has much more personality than the original Zigzagoon, change my mind

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Third time's the charm!!

Today's (first) Nuzlocke run ended with a bloodbath... but then RESTARTED with the BIRTH OF FANNYPACK THE ZIGZAGOON, the bestest boy!!

Thank you to everyone who joined for today's wild ride of a stream. I had so much fun my cheeks hurt from smiling 🗿

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Furgoon. It's a Fakemon that I made a custom sprite for cuz I fell in love with its dumb face when the generator barfed it out. (cross between Furret and Zigzagoon, can be either ♀️ or ♂️, yes it has a knot)

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Second run! I chose an ice/flying type Ralts as my starter and then on my way to the first gym I caught a dark/flying Zigzagoon, a normal type Weedle and a ghost type Wynaut. It was getting late so I didn't draw the Weedle and Wynaut, but I'll get to it later today.

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The emotional journey began...!! Thank you so much for watching everybody!!

We lost Herlock the Zigzagoon, but I broke my own Longest Wää World Record while grieving so something good came out of it, I guess... 😂

Thank you for the raids 💕

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Yesterday we started the random type artlocke in Kanto and here's the pokémon I caught: A steel type Weedle, water/rock type Zigzagoon, rock/fire type Poliwag and a ground/plant Diglet!

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Some friends and I have been having fun playing Pokerole and I’ve been making emotes of all of our Pokémon as a result lol. Here’s my Galarian Zigzagoon, Zapp.

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tommy is a zigzagoon, but specifically a SHINY zigzagoon

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Some gijinkas from a friendgroup shared ocverse!
Zacian, Galarian Zigzagoon, shiny Jolteon, Zorua...

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