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for: snowwingwig
prompt: kmhn pokémon au, Komaeda has an Eldegoss and Leafeon, Hinata has a Chespin and a Zigzagoon, go wild with outfits (I’d like to have Komaeda wearing overalls unless you think of a design that would be super fitting though <3)
#kmhnsecretexchange @komahinaSE
Solrock, Lunatone, Poochyena, Houndour, Goomy, Staryu, Zorua, Applin, Zigzagoon, Alolan Vulpix...
Iroha - Steel/Normal type gym
Sadly, I can't put Samurott nor Greninja with her..
Pokemon list: Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Kingambit, Lucario, Zoroark(Hisuian), Kartana
#風間いろは #KazamaIroha
6. Favorite Regional Variant
Close call with Galar Zigzagoon, BUT I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH
🦡Galarian Zigzagoon, Linoone, and Obstagoon for Pokemon Go's August Community Day - Shiny versions!🦡
Many regional variants of Pokémon have been either implied or confirmed to be the original species.
Notable examples include Alolan Exeggutor, Galarian Zigzagoon, and Hisuian Voltorb
7. Lycanroc (Midnight)
Like Juniper having Minccino at the start, Kukui starts with a Rockruff, later having seemingly evolved it into a midday Lycanroc.
Midday and Dusk forms would likely have been repeat colors with Charmander and Zigzagoon, so I instead went with Midnight.
Potential parents (since this is a breeding move)
Mankey, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Slakoth, Slaking, Skitty, Espurr, Meowstic.
💙🦝🍤 Zigzagoon, Furret, and Shinx is probably the best I can do https://t.co/hnUczqIlml
@kaycreigh This boi is cuter and has much more personality than the original Zigzagoon, change my mind
Third time's the charm!!
Today's (first) Nuzlocke run ended with a bloodbath... but then RESTARTED with the BIRTH OF FANNYPACK THE ZIGZAGOON, the bestest boy!!
Thank you to everyone who joined for today's wild ride of a stream. I had so much fun my cheeks hurt from smiling 🗿
@fatallynsfw Furgoon. It's a Fakemon that I made a custom sprite for cuz I fell in love with its dumb face when the generator barfed it out. (cross between Furret and Zigzagoon, can be either ♀️ or ♂️, yes it has a knot)
Second run! I chose an ice/flying type Ralts as my starter and then on my way to the first gym I caught a dark/flying Zigzagoon, a normal type Weedle and a ghost type Wynaut. It was getting late so I didn't draw the Weedle and Wynaut, but I'll get to it later today.
The emotional journey began...!! Thank you so much for watching everybody!!
We lost Herlock the Zigzagoon, but I broke my own Longest Wää World Record while grieving so something good came out of it, I guess... 😂
Thank you for the raids @lightossan @mariel_vt @sorrow2art 💕
Yesterday we started the random type artlocke in Kanto and here's the pokémon I caught: A steel type Weedle, water/rock type Zigzagoon, rock/fire type Poliwag and a ground/plant Diglet!
Some friends and I have been having fun playing Pokerole and I’ve been making emotes of all of our Pokémon as a result lol. Here’s my Galarian Zigzagoon, Zapp.
Some #Pokemon gijinkas from a friendgroup shared ocverse!
Zacian, Galarian Zigzagoon, shiny Jolteon, Zorua...