これからシーズン2も本格化し非常に楽しみなプロジェクトの1つと考え、Zipcy's SuperNormalを購入しました‼暖かいファミリーの一員になれて光栄です✨

Really glad to join a part of your fam 🤍

20 96

"E se c’è qualcosa che ormai sappiamo bene è che l’amore è tutto, è passione, rabbia e perdono. Perché la coppia perfetta non esiste"


157 218

💎 Vivid Dreams 💎

✨ Artwork by zipcy
💰 Sold to hanzolo for 3.0 ETH ($4,951.65)



3 24

Happy Valentines 💝 Day! Rewarded myself (also some of) Family Office & https://t.co/3NIZ17KhBa DAO Partners scooping up some as early Genesis Holders & Supporters

22 64

Zipcy's SuperNormal 1582 bought for Ξ1.5246666666666666 ($2,368.04)
Avg Price: Ξ0.29
Rare Traits:
Top: Armour Plate - 0.83%
Hair: Mel - 1.13%


1 1

I'm also very glad there's no time limit for the burning of https://t.co/2QPRJizcaf, so I can work towards collecting my 2 favs.

Thank you.

Lips Sealed reminds me so much of 🤘

10 33

Just minted zipcy's special edition.
This is a really great piece of art!
Thanks to the Supernormal team for their tireless efforts and dedication.

12 54

"Midnight Moon Rabbit" by

OE: 0.03


Your chance to own one of my favorite artist's OE's

Personally, Zipcy is one of the only artists I consistently collect for art's sake

This carries a lot of utility - for more info, check

11 38

Have been a huge fan of designed by amazing artist , since the mint back in Jan '22. The art is breathtaking, beautiful, very well executed & addictive. Once you dive into & explore the collection you're hooked.

27 95

한국의 주목받는 일러스트레이터 35명을 소개하는 책 『ILLUSTRATION SCENE OF KOREA』가 곧 출간됩니다🇰🇷

표지의 멋지고 매력적인 일러스트레이션은 현대 한국 씬을 대표하는 아티스트 ZIPCY가 그려주셨습니다🎨


35 115

ZIPS, which I like, is a simple piece.
Even looking at past ZIPCY works, the love and beauty of men and women are depicted.
So ZIPS don't need a lot of accessories and I snipe things like that.

16 53

ZIPCY & ZIPS에 핑크허니 작가님이 참여합니다.

◆ 기간: 2022.11.14.~11.20.
◆ 주소: 서울 성동구 뚝섬로9길 16, 4F

◆ 기획: 문화콘텐츠진흥청

2 5