The 3 B’s to unlive by:
•Brains 🧠
•Blounts 💨
•Booty 🍑

9 15


ZombieGang x RainbowSocksGang

remain undefeated 🔥🔥🔥

9 29


Late last night I did some "treat yo self" shopping and snagged a forever zombie and 5th DNA.

Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE zombies and am in love with this one 😍😍😍 So perfect!

5 58

Thank for the trade my new zombie set matches great 🔥

12 30

Zombie gang ! I have doubled down on my zombies. I couldn’t be more excited because zombies are the alpha .

15 38

Hey congrats on the new grail Zombie Ski! 👀

🚨 How about we do a Mutant for Zombie trade 1:1? Offer is valid for the next 2 hours.

41 122

What’s up Amazing trade with For this sick Zombie and Bits ust in time for Halloween!👻🎃

28 63

If you don’t got a Zombie what’re you doin? HMU for an invite to the Private Zombie Chat!!!! (For Zombie Holders only)

7 14

Love the art and excited to see how far will go!

12 86