colour picking was a complete nightmare for this as zuny's hair blends exactly into the bg (and she's always the hardest member to draw) do love the sketch & my entry from the first time i entered for comparison!

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Decided to do a few outfit august prompts for Ladies Code.
Todays is Edgy, this is the closet I think I could find haha

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Decided to do a few outfit august prompts for Ladies Code
Todays is OotD which is from a day in the park they had ⁠

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Outfit august prompts for Ladies Code
Today is stealth, decided to go secret service kind of stealth.

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Decided to do a few outfit august prompts for Ladies Code based on pics from performances or MVs
Todays is Fancy! <3

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I defs need to draw Zuny more, I'm not 100% happy with this, so time to practice haha


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Happy 2400 Days Debut to Ladies' Code! ❤️

Looking forward to your new comeback <333
Crossing my fingers for a mini album or repackage <3 :p

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Please notice me! <3 I love your voice and hope you are doing well! <3 I drew some art of you and Ashley and Zuny <3
Would you three be interested in snacks/treats/candy from overseas fans?

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i doodled zuny ;v; 💓 i love her hair so much aaah

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