I have been loving Prince Division since it started and the long string of eps was great. I wanted to make a Intro to the show in familiar format. (Cops) lol

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I figured I had to draw my favorite part from the last session. If there is one thing Task isn't lacking. It is confidence.

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I couldn't make it to all of the guys before the showcase. But here is what I was able to get done. I was inspired by the last DnD episode to draw this.

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Had to do the first of many secret Ranger joining the battle. The Griffin Ranger

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We had the Unexpectable Rangers.... BUT I couldn't let it end without drawing their Megazord. Lys mode Activate!!!!

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Our boys make a great team. But lets see them as Power Rangers!
Borky- OwlBear Ranger
Panic-Displacer Beast Ranger
Task- Red Dragon Ranger
Greckles- Roc Ranger

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I think we have seen our boys in the fantasy setting for a while. But I can't help but wonder how they would do in a Scifi setting. And what better Scifi setting is there than Cowboy Bebop.

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Here are our boys living it up in Summer in a way some of us can't right now. Here they are in the Craig of the Creek Artstyle. May great shows like this always be around.

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The Unexpectables Centerfold from their Magazine interview. (They all had to make the Final Space Pout face)Their fans gets to hang them up on their wall now.

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Task has some real hard decisions he has to make. Will he pick the angel on his shoulder or the devil. Oh he seems REALLY broken up about it......

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I know this might have been a throw away joke. But I can't help myself and think it would be an AMAZING pairing. So I had to do some fanfart of my Green Power Couple. Hearts for Borky x Scarbles.

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