# a3game

Day 105: Sakyo & Hisoka
Relationship: Just Don't Fall Asleep!

"Don't sleep on the floor. It's bad for you and annoying for us."
"I'll sleep in the corner."

15 49

Day 100: Banri & Juza
Relationship: Not Losing To You!

"Wanna go?"
"I'll kick your ass back to last week!"

24 65

Day 86: Omi & Sakyo
Relationship: Mom & Dad

"You're too easy on the younger kids."
"They need someone kind in their lives."

19 52

Day 80: Sakuya & Omi
Relationship: Proactive Dishwashers

"I'll help you with the dishes again, Omi!"
"Thanks. You're a huge help."

10 42

Day 77: Tsuzuru & Sakyo
Relationship: Movie Appreciators

"Can I come over and borrow more DVDs?"
"Sure, anytime."

47 124

Day 66: Sakyo & Chikage
Relationship: Bespectacled Elite

"You always wear the same glasses, don't you, Sakyo?"
"And you change yours up every now and then. Any reason why?"

17 42

Day 42: Omi & Kazunari
Relationship: Foodies

"Why don't you open up your own quiche truck? I can do the design!"
"Haha. I'm satisfied just cooking for you guys."

11 38

Day 40: Taichi & Omi
Relationship: Big & Small Roomies

"I'm helping out with costumes tonight!"
"I'll make your favorite hot dogs as a snack then."

10 33

Day 31: Yuki & Omi
Relationship: Mankai Home Ec

"Maybe I'll try to sew clothes, too. I heard skirts are easy. Will you teach me?"
"...You planning on wearing it?"

22 56

Day 5: Juza & Azami
Relationship: We Just Look Older

"Think my hairstyle's part of the reason I look older?"
"That could be it. You could try leaving your hair down."

7 36