Тред или мини-тред, почему НЕ СТОИТ читать манхву "такой же как ты" от лица бывшей ярой фанатки

мини ли будет данный тред зависит от количества найденых мною кринжа в данной манхве

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Esto no es bueno para el corazón! 💔😭😭😭

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Cain and Xuan Run fanart cuz they look good together❤ (no lies, i am actually starting to ship them)

hope you'll like it!

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ES QUE AAA ya me lei todo close,mi amado en línea y ✨😭
muero de amor con los protas dsbdvs💞

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Geee 😍😅😅 is there a Korean word for XD
I've recently discovered I'm such a sucker for this shit, lol

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I've just finished reading this yaoi/manhwa, which is one of my faves; and I can't help but be emotional because I was really absorbed by it and I was badly attached to Kang Jinha and Go Siwon. A Guy Like You is an art with so much substance and authenticity.

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Si lo amas de verdad no estes con tus chingaderas y se valiente, que le rompes el corazón al pobre jinha!!!
Perdon, me altere

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Chapter 30 is beautifully done! Aw look he's blushing, so cute!

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