Hello frens!! Here’s my contribution for Eth Denver Stickers Bounty! 💜👻💜👻💜

6 34

Get in frens, we're going to Denver ⛷👻✨

(My sticker submission for ) 💜

4 40

Gm frens 💜 my new piece "BANANAROFL" has entered teh queue! 🍌✨

It's my first ever 1/1 mint FAKE 👀

(moar about the aart and perks below) ⬇️👻

7 20

Fine aart banana ROFL wtf 🍌🖼✨

2 32

Pepegotchi H1 has entered teh FAKE queue! 👻🐸✨

5 23

Fighting a lickquidator is really difficult, but if we united together, nothing can stop us! 
-This painting is reminiscent of how the gotchis worked together to defeat the evil liquidators.

9 14

Chad Gotchi's power level is increasing ✨

5 16

Did you guys click the link and listen to the song?? did a reggae themed version of the Aavegotchi theme song 🤌. Coming soon to a Gotchiverse near you!

7 35

A big thank you to the gracious for the piece!

Her Aavegotchi work is unique to her style and I love it!! The personification of 's must continue👻

Some pieces are still available on https://t.co/ilhfnAivao

2 19

Been working on a 3D version of the (pixel) Portal Mage set I created some time ago for the play & earn game and the upcoming “Fake gotchi” drop. Feels good to work on some new stuff 😄 here’s a few different versions. Which one you like best?

18 89

Hello guys we are joining art contest ♥
Here's our Post Portal Mage inspired art hope you like it.

We are also open for commission ♥

12 53

GM Frens! Here are just some of the items you could end up owning and using to improve your gameplay experience! 100+ NFT's ready to be used by your


4 9

Frens you're missing Terence McKenna, the first that got sold for over half a million dollars (141 ETH) https://t.co/sFucEBKVJs

10 63

I won a 50 GHST!

I created this pixelated version of and called him “Jaason BOOrhees” as an entry to the Halloween Paarty!


3 30

A lot of work went into this mythic commission! The very impressive Felon - both when he's chilling out and when he's appearing out of the darkness to snatch 3rd place on the leaderboard.

13 61