08 :
Title : Fullblack (1/2)
Year : 2009/2013
Plot : A boy with the power to wipe out the world wants to bring peace to the world
Why aborted? : ultimate melting pot of influence + previous projects and a huge story I wouldn't have time to even tell!

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07 :
Title : Over You (short)
Year : 2010
Plot : A guy in charge of a sick orphan offers him a day off
Why aborted? : The saddest thing I've drawn I think. It was only an exercise when I did it.

0 16

05 :
Title : Tablet of the Fate
Year : 2008
Plot : Bout wants to become the king of the Sky but he and his party have to face many enemies on their way!
Why aborted? : The only motive was to echo One Piece, with some elements redesigned from IDO Power Z

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