week off so
to doodle is better than tv

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been a while since i drew anything for pure fun
chonky wolfo is best wolfo - DL

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Frofox with a bread sword
just cuz....

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Good morning all!
Frofox is back with some confusion
- DL

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so head crab fun
though i question how big
the one fro fox is riding is
- DL

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cue the heavy rock and welcome dooooom fox
by frofox ;)

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Fro Fox caught his feeesh
owo spread the happy!

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some fun from a artist friend of mine
Fro Fox with is online avatar

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always good to see one of my characters drawn
so here karine in mdb book 2 and 3

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Nov art 2 PTS char DL
Day 2 and DL passing by with a book

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Its happening soon O.O
sleep is for the weak
fear is the mind killer
o.o - DL

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