Day 30 - Bonus - Delibird - final one! Since we’re bordering on December I figured I’d round off with Santa Pokémon! Hope you’ve enjoyed the month! I’ve had fun & it’s really helped me get back into drawing! Which was your favourite?

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Day 29 - Bonus - Rockruff - not much to say with this one. I found composition quite difficult but hey ho. I just think he’s a little cutie! Which of his evolutions do you prefer?

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Day 26 - Z - Zorua - I thought about doing the Hisui version since I’ve been using black backgrounds but this worked out okay using a sort of grey-purple

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Day 25 - Y - Yanmega - I wasn’t sure this was going to work but we got there! I’m not sure why I have a slight soft spot for this Pokémon. I think Jessie had one for a while in the anime and there was a whole episode about it leaving

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Day 23 - W - Wooper - I tried not to make him look like a deranged sock poppet but I think I failed 😂

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Day 20 - T - Toucannon - I love this bird! Had one on my team when I played Sun and Moon for the first time

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Day 17 - Q - Qwilfish - there really aren’t many Pokémon beginning with Q 😅. I almost did Quagsire but his design was a bit too simple. I like the Hisuian form of Qwilfish, even if it was a pain in the butt when playing Arceus!

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Day 16 - P - Pidgeot - classic OG bird Pokémon. May seem kind of basic but I think I had one on my team every time I’ve played Red or Yellow..mainly because you need to fly everywhere and I don’t like Spearow and Fearow much 😂

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Day 14 - N - Noibat - I like this little guy and his evolution. Things like Noibat and Woobat are such a nice change when you’ve grown up being bombarded by Zubats in caves 😂

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Day 13 - M - Magnezone - one of my MVPs when playing Pokémon Sun. I love this funky friend!

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Day 8 - H - Honchkrow - I can’t remember what game I had this Pokémon on my team but they were surprisingly great!

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Day 6 - F - Ferrothorn - you don’t get many grass/steel types and I always thought it was a cool combo

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Day 4 - D - Dedenne - full disclosure, this was my second attempt at this one 😂

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Day 3 - C - Cradily - not sure why I enjoy this Pokémon so much but I do. Especially after seeing them in Pokémon Snap

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Day 2 - B - Bellossom. I’ve had a soft spot for this Pokémon ever since the mini “pre movie” short they did before the Movie 2000 😂

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