tw/ blood cw/childhood abuse, murder

Tehe! wrio's character story 4, visualized, part 1. tuk yg minta kemaren, part 2&3 menyusul di reply🐺

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tw/ blood cw/childhood abuse, murder

Tehe! wip mini komik wrio (based on his chara story 4) tuk ultahnya besok🤕 ada yg tertarik tuk nengok? besok ku share part 1 nya di sini (kalo kelar🤧)

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hai? sender lagi cari kawanbabu yang ga masalah sama unlabeled acc, kadang isinya bola sama kpop juga sometimes, sender he/him, atlet spiral abuse, pecinta vision electro apalagi electro mommy. clorinde simp get your freepass. I'm waiting for you, my soon to be friend.

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tw // child abuse, scar

She took care of him when he was sick and saw the scars on his body inflicted by his mother while his father turn a blind eye to it until their death🥹

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This homeless kids in the art their backstory is defined by trauma,abandonment,abuse, or neglect. They're typically positioned as an outsider,forced to grow up quickly and fend for themselves. Also known as the Realist.

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Student AU~!

Ketua OSIS yang passionnya bikin hidup siswa lain repot.

Pelaku power abuse, pokoknya sekolah rasa orba lah.

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Each day opens like a blank page of a book, but it is not simply our story; sometimes we must read between the lines to see the true meaning. Once all is said, written and done; we realize that our book was not the same for everyone. Some may rage, abuse, tear out pages that do…

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Good morning my beautiful friends
Happy Sunday ☺️
I wanted to explain about my drop on
This art will be nothing like I've done before. This will deal with my past about abuse, depression, self harm, drugs and suicide but most importantly
Love y'all

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Miss (aka Kandis) crimes:
Genocide, [mass] murder, assassination, planetary destruction, environmental crimes, slavery, brainwashing/mind control, child abuse, general war crimes

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(tw : this artist frequently draws art with themes surrounding self harm/suicide, abuse, drugs, etc so please take caution if you ever browse their works)

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cw// discussion of abuse, responses to abuse, and medical situations

Is it time for Sphinx to ramble about the funny Miku game again? Yeah I think it’s that time. This time we’re taking a look at Mafuyu Asahina because I’ve already rambled about my second favorite twice.

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There have been many stories of husbands leaving their devoted wives. Of dads deserting their kids.

Helluva isn’t that story.

You can be an adulterer *and* a victim of domestic abuse, *and* a good dad.

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also, the way his powers affect his body is hysterical. not even like abuse, who grows into a huge dude, jai's just the most jacked eight-year-old in the history of humanity

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CW: abuse, parental abuse, murder
limiting replies on this guy cuz he’s intensely personal, but here’s my oc cade/caden! he killed his dad for abusing him and hitting his boyfriend
he likes hello kitty and soft sensory things and doesn’t talk to anyone

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great gl if u havent read ❤️ although themes can be triggering (confronts abuse, harassment, child marriage, grooming)

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Pink-Shart dragon against abuse, Pink-Shart dragon against abuse.

Rt if you agree or just like my art! thanks

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Please heed the content/trigger warnings below
CW/TW - Eyestrain, PTSD, trauma, emotional abuse, self-harm, blood
Please DO NOT repost!

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🔮"Tu hermana se encargaráde todo"
⚠️Violence, child abuse, Possible trauma, Blood.

Recordarán este OC o no ksksksks

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Stolen Tastes: Chapter 3:
Pages 04, 05
TW: Abuse, Death
I don't think he's all right, sir :' ) Let's just talk it out 🫂

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Feeling in a sharing mood so i wanna ramble about my persona a bit cuz i dont think the "lore" around him is ever going to go anywhere lol

Tw // abuse, death, trauma, sh (kinda), general heavy stuff

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