I‘m back from holiday!Trying new coloring way? Yes!

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【呃额额啊啊啊犯猫病了,被雷到的话狗咩纳赛 Orz

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Cat from one of my homework,stay up super late, have no time ;(

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As long as I don’t go to bed,today is not passing.

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Big cat for 20days celebration!🎉

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What are you?A 🍔 cat(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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Me every Wednesday be like: Dead inside 🫠

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One week celebration!🎉Yeah!!!(#^.^#)

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Made it!So busy today😣

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✨Just a cat a day,let's see how long I can last. ( ̀⌄ ́)


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