my second piece for 's aporia vol. 2 was actually a tribute/blatant ad heheh for aconcagua's english translation patch by !!!!!

please do go check out aconcagua it is a cool game with lots of yuri between pachamama and julia. believe me on this

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Let's have a rummage around for some snowy screenshots...

Aconcagua, PS1

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Oveja & Remi's packaging for Andes Gin. The custom bottle shows Mount Aconcagua engraved in its bottom, the highest mountain outside of the Himalayas and the place where this gin comes from, whilst the label emphasizes the technical information of the gin.

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A developer on Aconcagua snuck a hidden reference to mecha anime "King of Braves GaoGaiGar" into the script. I love finding these little Easter eggs.

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There's a very interesting bit of cut content in Aconcagua regarding Che Guevara. The five protagonists would have commented on a poster of him hanging in a military base.
In the final game, it has been edited into a different character.

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Mountain Gijinka by
Mt. Kilamanjaro
Mt. Denali
Mt. Aconcagua
Mt. Everest
Been a while but still will continue during my free time. Still love your designs

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Aconcagua (2000)

Developed by WACWAC! and Sony Computer Entertainment.

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OK, with a bit of luck I'll have this Aconcagua article ready for Ko-fi supporters sometime tomorrow! Here are four explosions to keep everyone happy in the meantime :D

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Look at this! Look at how the time of day passes as Aconcagua goes on! :O

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You know for a game that's 90% snow and one type of rock Aconcagua does a really fantastic job of looking dramatic and interesting

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And where was I in Aconcagua..?

(I really, ~really~, love the way this game looks!)

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Jallher: El Guardio de Aconcagua from 's Dragonscape. These battleships are pretty fucked.

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Premio Aconcagua a , en reconocimiento a sus 20 Años de Trayectoria en el Periodismo Independiente (Teatro Independencia, Mza - 2/12/19). Gracias a Gaby Gongora y Darío Pela Manfredi por dejarme formar parte de tan indispensable estandarte de resistencia cultural.

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Fancier pictures for Chill and Aconcagua to try and figure out their personalities

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2º lugar en el concurso de Fanart de Ani Yamiki. Animaid. El Club Social y Deportivo Aconcagua, Calle 69, La Plata.

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