🟠 Big Nornen Community piece !
Almost all characters in this piece belong to community members. This is a great way to connect with eachother! We are doing these for every faction on Acratar.

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Acratar is filled with many great beasts and creatures. Not all of them a friendly. In fact most of them aren't.

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This month we are working on finishing the Acratar world map.
We have different versions inculding a faction map, climate map as well as a base that shows the tectonic plates, different biomes, cities and more.
It's a huge project which you can follow here:

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The the lower districts of Korvex are unlike anything you will find on Acratar.
It's full of black markets, clubs, shady business and beast fighting pits.
Money rules and everything else is secondary.
This lore piece was made possible by Jarvis, thank you so much!

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Acratar is a mysterious and sometimes downright hostile place to live.
It can feel like they planet itself tries to get rid of the Acradors while the multiple faction inhabiting it battle over who is going to lead their own kind into the future they deserve.

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The faction most rooted in knowledge and wisdom. In contrast to Rohai they seek to study and control the anomalies that can be found on Acratar.
While their military count fewer in numbers they are are well trained and highly advanced.

Is this the place for you?

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Art piece dedicated to the Rohai Empire of Acratar 🗡️

Noctem owned by
Idam owned by me

Art by

Acratar and the Rohai Empire are all part of the Acrador project.

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Era il 15 Agosto del 1483 quando la Cappella Sistina fu consacrata alla Vergine Assunta in Cielo. Con una cerimonia solenne, papa Sisto IV inaugurò quel grandioso complesso che lo avrebbe fatto passare alla storia. Al suo interno gli affreschi di Michelangelo, Botticelli

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L' ho vista , in una chiesetta,all'ingresso del paese.#Pinzolo
Ciao Livia,grazie

Questa danza macabra si trova in una chiesa sconsacrata a Tallin.

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