Hey Iiinka! Here are some of my pieces- two have already been sold on Opensea . They’re from my comic, Avocat and his Guacrocket about two space faring cats 🐈

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I am a woman of colour who is also an illustrator and comic book creator. This is a page out of my comic Avocat and His Guacrocket

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Comes with a free digital copy of my comic Avocat and His Guacrocket

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Marooned on Cantos Prime- buyers will receive a free digital copy of my comic, Avocat and His Guacrocket

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GM homies! My piece, Marooned on Cantos Prime is still available on Opensea. Holders will receive a free copy of my comic, Avocat and His Guacrocket. Also hope you have a dooope day 😘

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Buyers receive a free digital copy of my comic, Avocat and his Guacrocket 💓

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A page out of my self-published comic book called Avocat and His Guacrocket 🌈

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