Fixed some details in the Friday meme + made my usual editing ( i didn't think it matched the meme's format but i still wanted to try it heh)

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So pride month is almost over but i wanted do something for it still.
And since ppl liked my big-eyed Rosie, i made her be my flag holder!
So happy pride month everyone! Always know that Rosie has your backs 😘

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So i was bored... again
And so i edited the "cotton candy hair Rosie" drawing.
Hopefully it looks better now!

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This took a while, but it's finally done!
My drawing in homage to Rosie's birthday!
Thanks for letting me drawing you guys as well!

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Here are some of my Rosie drawings from last year!
I'm happy i got better at drawing her with time 🥰💗

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Here is the final Rosie!
I liked how she turned out. Not my best linework but it's enough heheh

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