Miguel Teaching Marty Parkour~

Been soo into action shots and active poses recently so i wanted to see my characters get movin'. Hope u like it:D

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I couldnt be bothered to finish my chainsaw man art but ill colour it in properly later

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Bit of Action for Wednesday night. Have a good one folks!

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Some select frame from our breakdown of Shubham Sharma's awesome action shot! Full breakdown here: https://t.co/wCou66DGEM

Support FBF: https://t.co/4X2iMVNrRD

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Jean Grey is The Phoenix! Want a cheap color commission? For $10 I'll draw any request for my daily art. DM me for digital payment options.

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Some of my recent stuff. I'm a comic book artist and illustrator.
Want a cheap color commission? For $10 I'll draw any request for my daily art. DM me for digital payment options.

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Some of my recent stuff. I'm a comic book artist and illustrator.
Want a cheap color commission? For $10 I'll draw any request for my daily art. DM me for digital payment options.

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Cant study parasites without a little bit of bird poo 😂 fun fact, when i searched "bird poo butt" on google, among the "People also ask..." section was the question "Do birds poo out their mouths??" .....smdh..... 🤦‍♀️

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