Croctober is not over 😉. The Northwest of São Paulo (Brazil) during the Late Cretaceous (Turonian to Santonian Age 93.9-83.6 MYA, Adamantina Formation). The Armadillosuchus arrudai (Armadillo crocodile), awakes from estivation and looks around. With the rain, the semiarid

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Día 17: Unidos

Diamante y Adamantina tienen una relación muy estrecha. Haría lo que sea por ella, aunque no lo parezca

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And here it is! The last three pages of the story I liked working on this very much, if you want to see your own short story illustrated send it to me or post it on the server so people can discuss it.

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First pages done on a story We visit the Adamantina formation to witness the death and the following events of a Antarctosaurus. More will follow tomorrow.

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