Here have Ruby in a cute outfit~♥♥

16 121

Cause I was feeling....I dunno Aesthetic and intimate? lol

21 141

Because I was feeling 90s for some reason~♥♥

Here have a Retro Ruby ♥♥

18 126

Just enjoying the summer weather because who wouldn't~♥♥

Also I wanted to draw out Ruby's body type so ye ♥♥

18 136

this was a struggle to do because I'm trying to get use to clip studio but you know....came out good I think ♥♥

12 117

Ruby being Ruby ♥

I had to edit it cause I found out the color of her skin WAS FOR SOME REASON ON OVERLAY??

9 93

Time to take a break Boss. Maybe a little rest...don't overwork yourself~♥

Gotta remember that breaks are important no matter who you are~♥♥

10 93

Jambee singing a lil Sea Shanty to his secretary~♥♥

That's all ♥♥ But no legit Jambee singing Sea Shanty got me weak oh jeez

16 114

Fursona for my mom! :] she’s been trying to stream on twitch playing games. If anyone wants to watch her, her username is Madruby3

0 9

As a wittle treat~♥♥ Precious secretary lovin ♥♥

19 128

Ruby belongs to the lovely
(Sorry if I keep tagging you! Your character is so lovely!) ❤️❤️❤️

9 108

Isometric Rooms....I learned about them just never knew what they were called so ye~♥♥ Here's one with Ruby ♥♥

19 168

Ruby belongs to Queen belongs to
I had fun drawing them UwU, I drew a little interaction with Joan aka June (my oc) and Queen
Jambee belongs to (drew his hand there)

5 73

Ruby at cultural festivity~♥

Ruby is certainly a party girl ♥♥

21 151

So I did this drawing and I recorded it~♥♥

The youtube link is on another tweet attatched to this one so ye~♥♥ Enjoy~♥

14 108

It kibby Ruby....but you girl~♥♥

9 107

Because of a dumb meme thing that showed me LOL

12 99

So Boss Ruby? Yes~♥

Yes Ruby is older here~♥♥♥

16 130