day 24 last my adventdrawing of the day merry christmas

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my adventdrawing day 20, day 21, day 22 and day 23

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my adventdrawing day 16, day 17, day 18 and day 19

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My adventdrawing day 12, day 13, day 14 & 15

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my adventdrawing day 8, day 9, day 10 and day 11

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My adventdrawing day 1, day 2, day 3, and day 4

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I didn't spend as much time on this as I'd've liked, but I'm pretty sleepy and I have work tomorrow. Also, yes, I combined 2 themes to catch myself up. I'm allowed because I made the prompt list.

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I'm a day behind but that's okay! Day 2! It took a lot longer than I expected, but I'm pretty happy with the results. :)

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Day 1 of my I've had the same stocking my whole life. It was knitted by my grandmother who passed away before I was born. I am so eternally grateful that she somehow knew to only knit in "Sam" instead of my full birth name. Nothing could ever replace it. 💖

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Wasn’t sure I was going to do the challenge this year but found a great prompt list and has finally got me out of the block I’ve had since we go

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day 24:

Now I love a random gift as much as the next person but sometimes it’s better to stick to someone’s wish list

And that’s the last of this year’s -must admit I’ve really enjoyed it 😃😃

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day 23:

Ended up ditching my original concept for today’s word (which seems to have been a recurring theme from the month) and paid a visit to Ethel and Reg from The Lock-In

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Day 22:

Been dreading today’s prompt word. Made a couple of attempts that just felt really heavy handed so decided to capture a moment of kindness instead

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Day 21:

Not my best but pretty much all I can think to do with today’s prompt word

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Day 20:

Elfo and his friends are enjoying a game of - can you help him find his friends

My aim of spending no more than an hour on each illustration went right out of the window on this one

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day 18:

must really love those for how many he has to get through in a night

Not my favourite drawing but I’ve wilfully sidestepped doing a somewhat darker (well darker for me) drawing from today’s prompt word

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day 16:
May have been swayed by the fact we put our up this weekend but I still feel like a kid of 5 every time the lights go on so...tried to capture some of that feeling in this one

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Day 14:

Thought I’d revisit this kid from and it’s nice to see that nanna is 2 for 2 on the thoughtful but oh so wrong gift front

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