Before I fall asleep
I tried to figure out how I'd render in csp.

Kinda rough compared to how I personally would've wanted it to turn out, but it's oki! I'm still learning! And I'll eventually get the rendering to look similar to how my style usually is.

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Finished the outfit that I am gonna sell on my Etsy and Booth!
Vroid model is just an OC of mine Uwu

Gonna finish my OC's Vroid model first before I sell the outfit so it might take a bit longer till I have the listing go up!

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So every October I turn into something. I don't make the rules. 2 years ago I was a literal zombie, last year a vampire, and this year I woke up as a humanoid dragon!
(I'm a little busy this year so just have this since I can't update the png)

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Belphegor may be a sleepy man, but honestly. Manz is unhinged in a sleepy way. HE EATS DREAMS AS A HOBBY YO!

No wonder my dumb ass hasn't been dreaming lately.

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Sometimes I wish I had twinkle toes. Thankfully bro had some on.

Here's my brother Alastair, though he looks a lot like dad so sometimes people think dad is like his older brother or somethin'. Nah, the genes were THAT strong.

4 9

adventstart 九段が10.41段で優勝、これで三冠です!おめでとうございます!
2位 shu_chan 九段 3位 Teto358 九段 でした。

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首位は10.34段でadventstart 九段、今大会はいまだ無敗です! 2位にshu_chan 九段、3位syougi8 九段が続きます。

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現在の首位は10.28段でSYUNHOH九段、これをadventstart九段が10.02段で追っています。3位に9.73段でcaturanga 九段。

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joutatu2013 九段が614勝193敗!10.67段で王位戦3連覇です!
2位に adventstart 八段 3位 caturanga 九段 。

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