# ffxiv

sorry for reposting these i changed accounts. it was from

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Was feeling like doing some experimenting, so I went back to some sketches from last week's that I wasn't happy with and tried something new.
It's been so long since I've painted directly in colour and it was a lot of fun 😊

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3rd and final batch of sketches. I've never drawn out this many busts in one go xD I'm really happy I got to attend

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hung out with these lovely people for most of the event! it was awesome to see everyones WoLs 💕

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I had to stand outside since I was late but took a couple screenshots to doodle! 3 of 7~
First batch ft. Vidar Eyvindur, Mien Haruki, and Jaike Atha'eelsi!

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first batch of sketches tidied. I'll be uploading the rest as I finish them.

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From today's art party! Thank you!

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disease that makes me draw one line per minute. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHO any of the wols belong to... !!

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There was a mysterious cat in my party named Haruka. I think she caught me staring (but was screencapping her, not being creepy I swear). She was a very cool vampire cat.

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last 3 for the night! it was really fun! shout out to (trisselle) who brought me (jeralt) and aron here!

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some sketches from !! pwease tag the wols owners if you know them ;w; i hope i did them justice 😭

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Two cats, one named Yuki-onna Myra from and a Fufu Faelune from

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Here are my sketches for !!
I'm slow af so I could only manage to draw 3 peeps, wish I could have drawn more ;-;

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last one! i had a splendid time, peeking in the crowd from my trusty vegetable patch..

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