A curious Lion cub has found a new friend, but the African Wild Dog is a little confused as to why the cub is here. “Where are your parents anyway?”

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Did you know that there are only around 1,409 left in the wild? Like all of us here at the AAA, Sophie Green is very conscious of the fragility of our planet and it's inhabitants so it was a no-brainer to paint this incredible animal to raise awareness.

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The Painted Dog Conservation center partakes in African wild dog protection, rehabilitation, education, and conservation in order to preserve this endangered species.

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African wild dogs tolerate scavengers at their kills, except for spotted hyaenas, which they drive off, injure, or kill.

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On occasion, some of the food African wild dogs get from larger kills may be cached, though they rarely return to the cached food.

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African wild dog populations are continuing to decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, conflict with humans, and infectious diseases that are spread by domestic animals.

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Do you think you know the African wild dog? Test your knowledge of African wild dog FaunaFacts with this trivia quiz!

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