pillars of a jain temple of 13th century at Chandravati now ruined for my tag line #DoorsOfIndia
Architecture at Ahmedabad, Capital of Goozerat, photographed by Colonel Biggs ... descriptive sketch, by T. C. H, ... & architectural notes by J. Fergusson via @britishlibrary
Jignesh Chavda
- Ahmedabad, India, May 2021. Electricians repair a power line in the late evening, after a cyclone hit the city.
7/ We are thrilled to host another great artist on SpotLIT this week.
This week our Litizen artist on spotlight will be @Priyanka_Patel! A brilliant photographer, Priyanka is based in Calgary, Canada and she is originally from Ahmedabad, India.
PM Shri @NarendraModi ji will launch the National Games in Ahmedabad.
The National
Games celebrate the unity of our nation through sports and games- being held in the home-state of the Iron Man of India who united the Indian republic!
#Grateful to have had my ‘Blue Warrior’ on display at the @JorrParivar Web3 event in Ahmedabad last week.
@iamgaurangdesai thank you for helping put this display together for us.
Got 3 editions of the ‘Blue Warrior’ still up for grabs. https://t.co/MMrWiEP8HR
March 18, 1922: Mohandas Gandhi pleads guilty to sedition in a court in Ahmedabad, India, and is sentenced to 6 years in prison. He apologizes to a judge that despite his peace preaching as he sought independence from Britain, his supporters have carried out bloody riots. 1/4
In 1612 AD Mughal emperor Jahangir granted permission to Portuguese to build a church at Ahmedabad in his Gujarat Province & ordered his Gujarat officials not to obstruct its construction.Mughal period painting of Jahangir with a portrait of Mother Mary.
On 20th November 1572 Mughal emperor Akbar & his army arrived at Ahmedabad & camped on Sabarmati river bank.Gujarat Sultan Muzffar was in custody of Akbar.He won Gujarat without any resistance or battle.Akbar's Khutbah as emperor of Gujarat were read out in Masjids of Ahmedabad.
Hi! (*´`*)💕
Ccoronavirus everyone smiles with their eyes
Lee Nash
(Poitou-Charentes, France)
Online birthday
All the virtual bouquets
Look the same
Minal Sarosh
(Ahmedabad, India)
A wanderer
He dreams of a roof over his head--
Cloak of stars
Angela Giordano
#PinkListPride Day 14! Welcome to Gujrat!
Featuring @queerabad, an Ahmedabad based community space for queer (LGBTQIA+) identifying folx and allies. With artwork from Tanvi.
Photos of Shah Alam's Tomb at Ahmedabad in #Gujarat from our Online Gallery
The tomb forms part of a 'dargah' or shrine complex, dedicated to the influential #Gujarati Muslim saint & spiritual advisor to Sultan Mahmud Shah Begarha.
Madhvi Parekh. The Last Supper. Ahmedabad. A must see exhibition.