7: anything goes
a little kotobuki ... 2 destress

39 110

6: au (?)
i couldnt think of anything so i just combined interests <_<

59 152

day 4 : friendship

too old for beetle hunting (they just went home after a while). (we need to see a KFour gathering in the manga).

25 65

4: comedy
(read left to right) dumb thing

66 178

day 7: anything goes

when in doubt, memes. (two more in the thread!)

49 99

02/Favourite Quote (1/2)

Retake of a previous ajinweek work, with the same quote. To me, this quote is the very core of their relationship. Satou manipulates Tanaka into an even worse role by "saving him". Tanaka, however, just falls deeper into his nightmare.

3 19

Drawn for

Day 06 - Favourite AU: Angel/Demon AU

In 2017 I've drawn a lot of angel/demon verse TakaGen. Today's prompt is the perfect opportunity to revisit this theme; I still like the concept a lot.

3 8

3: favourite ship
these two are so fckn weird about each other. i LUV it

60 138

2: fav quote
kei has a lot of lines that wig me but i thought of this one in particular ...

100 248

1: fav character+action
he just gives me serotonin.....

76 167

day 4: comedy???
Just an idea I've had in my head for a while :-3

24 87

day 2 : quote or scene

redraw of a forever iconic page

32 64

day 3: favorite ship =)
idk why i added the font......i made it so i'm using it lol

29 87

Day2: Favourite quote/scene

"I don't like it"

22 70

Drawn for
Day 03: favourite ship | romance | lover : Takahashi/Gen
Motive most easy to decide; my Ajin otp through the years, my ajin otp during this very presence of the actual moment.

5 19

day 1 : favourite character(s)

verrry late, kei and kotobuki. i wish they could meet in the manga.

20 43

skipping day 2 straight to day 3! Favourite ship!! They're the best 👉👈

16 48

day 1
favourite character

10 39