The Aknosom-riding Minoto Timelapse!

Ride on!

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All these fire monsters and Aknosom still has the best fire lance

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Threat Level 1★ - Great Izuchi, Great Baggi, Arzuros, Lagombi

Threat Level 2★ - Kulu-Ya-Ku, Great Wroggi, Aknosom, Khezu, Tetranadon

Threat Level 3★ - Royal Ludroth, Barroth, Basarios

Threat Level 4★ - Volvidon, Bishaten, Pukei-Pukei, Jyuratodus, Rathian

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I spy an Aknosom within you!

It is handsomely decorated with an impressive plumage and equally elegant and agile in combat! Even when its backed into a corner, it'll attempt to intimidate it's foe by puffing up is crimson mane and appearing larger.

P.S. also spits fire~

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kinda stole from scara but it is what it is
aknosom is based on a kasa-obake so Umbrella

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rustica: aknosom armor, from aknosom

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i feel like u deserve a cool bird. aknosom

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thinking about what a smart design aknosom is...mixing a black egret with a kasa-obake is INSPIRED

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Drew a few more monsters from the Monster Hunter series. Here we have the graceful Aknosom, the terrifying Goss Harag, the sometimes bothersome Bazelgeuse, and the downright disturbing Khezu. They were all pretty difficult to draw, but I think I managed to make them look good.

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Here's another sneak peek at the Monster Hunter Ecology book im making on the side!

Aknosom, the parasol boi!

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Aknosom Armor concept art, from Monster Hunter Rise

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Official Dual Blades render featuring Aknosom armor from Rise:

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My favorite monsters in Monster Hunter Rise so far; before Subreak releases:

Aknosom is a pretty bird with well designed attacks and animations

Mizutsune is returning bubble fox

Goss Harag is this cool Yeti with extreme power

Rakna Kadaki is spider girlboss queen

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