[pokemon x league of legends]
turning all champions into pokemon!

akshan as pawmot https://t.co/jpkxQ3s8LW

120 661

aihhh completely forgot to upload these days aha, aight heres akshan

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Also actually, I love the rendering in the QRT a lot.
Here's one speed sketch I did of Akshan back when he was just released. Admittedly I need to learn more about human colors. This dude be light tanned af 🥲 1h30m total.

But then I stopped and switched to pursue UX lol. https://t.co/HrzWUvxE9M

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Y obviamente, no podía olvidar al héroe pícaro y su rey arruinado (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧🧡💚

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Gente explicando um pouco sobre o pq a Donzela não desapareceu como muitos acham que aconteceu.

Depois que o Akshan destrói a alma da Isolde com a penitencia a alma dela volta pra Senna e Gwen para continuarem dando vida então sim ela volta pra Donzela.

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Qual casal vocês acham que vão ser o pride de 2023?

Neeko e Nidalee
K'Sante e Akshan
Rell e Seraphine
Udyr e Lee Sin

37 961

me gustó mucho tu ship, se me presento la oportunidad y finalmente los dibuje, espero te guste mucho.

El traje de seraphine lo hizo @/konstatineart aquí en Twitter 💙

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Chibi TF and Akshan comms for !!! 🐀♠️🐶💖💖💖

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We have Papukevin, Jangkali and Bookieahri
But how about... Mieakshan?

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🏝️🪝 𝐀𝐊𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐍 🪝🏝️

Seguimos con los chibis de ahora con este personaje que ya no conozco xD pero vamos en orden

5 18

Does Zeri ever get shipped with anyone ?
I’ve only drawn her with Ekko platonically and have only really seen her shipped with Ezreal I think? And with Akshan (oddly) by Riot in Withered/Crystal rose

I might just headcanon her as ace, but I think I could see her with Lux maybe

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Jakekfkfk Akshan heartthrob 💞💌
things are missing and the context of the letter is very risky.

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Basing off my wild rift mains. Only ever used akshan in all 5 roles for funsies.

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funny thing is is that my main role is mid but two of my mains are not midlaners LOL (that's not to say i haven't played cait and senna mid before cus i definitely have)

honourable mentions: samira and akali. akshan'll also make this list once i learn how to play him :D https://t.co/a1XdUic9qT

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Lady and gentlemen, may i present to you, my new favorite champ ✨

Noe he's join this silly crew of silly kids 🤣❤️❤️

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