09: Rikku 🔧✨
(Final Fantasy X)
Y llegamos al turno de esta señorita🥰 porque no podía hacer a las otras dos y dejar a nuestra pequeña albhed sin aparecer!!
Espero que os guste n.n/ 💜

16 40

What have Terra, Aerith and Yuna in common?

All of them are half humans:

- Terra: her father was an Esper and her mother an Human.
- Aerith: her father was an Human and her mother a Cetra.
- Yuna: her father was an Human and her mother an Albhed.

12 36

The Summoner Beverly embarks on a pilgrimage with two Albhed, one Blitzball player, a Human-Guado hybrid Black Mage, a Warrior and a Yevon Monk as guardians. Try guess guess who is who pls!

3 33