Magnetoreceptive migrators may also use collective navigation, which is vulnerable to population loss

4 7

12 diciembre - 🗓día internacional del Lince Ibérico 😺Atención ⚠️ en peligro de extinción en la península ibérica 🇪🇸Mi web:

4 4

«Moción de censura también para quienes la promueven»

¿De no aparecer el en los y el revuelo mediático causado, se hubiese puesto de acuerdo la oposición para desalojarlo de la alcaldía?

Por y

17 15

Another fascinating species and experimental animal: Ambystoma Mexicanum, also known as the Mexican Axolotl.

1 2

Synthetic Biology at the Limits of Life
Friday 18 June, 13:00 - 14:00 BST
Dr. Thomas Boothby on 'Lessons from water bears'. What can we learn from these crazy little creatures and can this inform our approaches in
Joining links:

5 19

Lots of info about today on the course. The Mol* viewer is pretty neat!

2 16

28 - My personal view of “DNA binding domains of NFAT, FOS and JUN bound to DNA”.

These transcription factors synergistically activate the expression of many immune-response genes

1 10

Launching the new online Introduction to course for scientists at today, with an Advanced course coming at the end of the month.

6 8

I agree 🤓
Feather tracts between scaly/bare skin regions is a detail I've played w/ in but I'd love input from people like

& ppl. In birds, these patterns are linked to the genetic code for skin development... 🧬

26 82

Please RT!
I'm very excited to announce that I now have 2 NIH-funded positions available. Looking for a recent PhD graduate with experience in and to join our wonderful community .
Contact me directly.

25 22

L'Ornis➡️ 1327
Molt d tant en tant em permeto alguna pàgina no tan centrada en l'humor sinó en el contingut.Sí,potser el senyorGarciaAlbiol m'acusarà d'adoctrinar els nens.X fer continguts contra el racisme.No m'estranyaria.

2 7