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Fear Of A Black Planet. Public Enemy. 1990. N°466. #albumcolo #30yearsagotoday
Everything Else Has Gone Wrong. Bombay Bicycle Club. 2020. N°383. #albumcolo @BombayBicycle
Beatles For Sale. The Beatles. 1964. N°312. #albumcolours #robertfreeman
London Calling. The Clash. 1979. N°7a+. #albumcolours #theclash #londoncalling
Flower Boy. Tyler, The Creator. 2017. N°97a. #albumcolours #tylerthecreator #flowerboy
Parachutes. Coldplay. 2000. N°157. #albumcolours #coldplay #parachutes
Rubber Soul. The Beatles. 1965. N°150. #albumcolours #thebeatles #rubbersoul
Sound Affects. The Jam. 1980. N°122. #albumcolours #thejam #soundaffects