He is confused about his identity between Russian and Ukrainian, but she is somehow obsessed with his Cossack background.
note the story was set in early 20th century Galicia

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⬅️Aleksander (#Cossack from Galicia, early 20 century, dance)
➡️Alejandro (Gypsy from Spain, Seville, mid 20 century, dance)

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Since Alkesander performed Hopak for Maksymilian, Aleks sometimes would suddenly grasp Maksy to a short dance, and then Aleks would sing a few lyrics from Cossack songs

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Aleksander’s father was a Cossack living in town, but Aleks lived with other Cossacks in the countryside of Galicia.

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‘I love black suits SO F MUCH that I want to see all of my OCs wearing them’ Part 1

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Олександр Литвиненко
:#Alternativehistory of an ‘Ukrainian’ when there was no WW1

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