‘Jayne’s got that old time religion‘ (2006) by Van Arno. You can check out a comprehensive article (+ many exciting images!) on Van Arno by clicking this link now >>> https://t.co/wHCzyB2JnQ

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'St. Clothide is devoured by swine‘ (2007) by Van Arno. You can check out dozens of images + video on Van Arno's exciting pop surrealism by clicking this link now >>> https://t.co/wHCzyB2JnQ

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Hojear el gabinete de fotos pintadas de y pensar en flores y serpentinas, en botánica y zoología, en anverso y reverso, en el día y la noche 🎨

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New by Alex Gross (#artofalexgross) entitled 「DV Unicorn」. •

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