My rendition to Alhaitham, the former Acting Grand Sage and current Scribe of Sumeru Akademiya.

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Hola limonees de twiter 🍋
Les traigo un Alhacen 🙌✨


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The moment he came out i knew I wouldn't want any other main ever!

I'm so happy with this baby :'

I will be selling this print at this weekend! come say hello! :3

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Man I don't know what is happening to me. Whenever I have to draw for myself it's like ugh so I don't know if I will continue this wip of Alhaitham -_- hours on his face and I still don't like it grr

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Alhaitham te odio
[Dibujo 29/365]
¡Hoy mi frustración, mi hermanita y yo hemos ahorrado, pero NO SALE EL COCHINO MONO GUAPO!

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Aquí os dejo un intento de del señorito de te dejas un

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✨📖 Alhaitham 📖✨
dibujito para bendecir sus tiraditas y invocarlo 💚

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