Lunar New Year bunbun doodles (a limited-time 1 channel point redeem) 🐇💜 15/21

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I tried acting cool to see if I could get a photo with the golden voiced ...

Turns out, Senpai wanted a picture with me all along, I just needed to ask!

Summer vacation polaroid with !

5 18

All my photos of are too blurry to show you guys...

I did finally catch her when I was trying to take a selfie and she surprised me with a hug🤍

Summer vacation polaroid with !

7 23

We went fishing and I caught this big fish! Totally did not steal it from anyone.

? She was just, uh... assisting me.

Summer vacation polaroid with !

10 21

I had a great time with ... Except that one moment he wanted to test how adaptable I am by trying to shape my face.

My cheeks still hurt T. T

Summer vacation polaroid with !

3 15

Everyone knows 's food is the yummiest, so I couldn't help myself and have a little taste~

Turns out, she had brought enough food for everyone...

Summer vacation polaroid with !

4 18

You didn't know where I was? I was with , I have a photo to prove it!

Doing what?
Well, that's only for me and her to know... 😘

Summer vacation polaroid with ~

3 14

Happy Birthday to the cutest extraterrestrial being ! 🥳🎉

Unfortunately I will miss the start of your but will be on later~! Hope you have loads of fun!

🎁 rare spotting of an alien on the beach

3 11

✨Another polaroid!

Riding into deeper waters during summer vacation~


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I surprised with a selfie when we went to the beach, she was so shy about being in her bikini~

Here's my gift to you, birthday girl, hope you had a good one! 💙

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🌴🌊 Beach episode, we look so cute!

Cap_Pol followed us girls to the beach and took a picture with his Cap_Drone~

Art by:

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Cherish those you love, who deserve your love.
Don't take them for granted and enjoy the moment!

Thank you for being you, sweet ~

Art gift from and by Cap_Pol!

5 18

Fixing my spaceship is a lot of work, so sometimes I need to take a nap in between~

🎨 Cap_Pol

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