🤍 Commission for @ alliexneko 🤍

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🤍 Commission for @ alliexneko 🤍

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The Parents Vs The Kids ❤️ (Art of KalliexLouie was done by )

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i have mostly been doing traditional art since i got new prismacolors. i dont have many followers so my absence doesnt really matter lol. anyways callie :) (maybe i will make calliexmarie soon? mystery ;))

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I think it's really cute that Callie is a little bit taller than Razor 😂

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Recomendacion semanal:¨Super Duper Party People" por Allie X.
Weekly recommendation: "Super Duper Party People" by Allie X.

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Começar bem o ano com desenho da patroa

Eu tenho um monte de desenho do ano passado ainda pra postar e já to pensando em fazer seriezinha de desenho dnv, vamo ver né

❤+🔁 pra fortalecer meus lindes

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Storyboard artist + illustrator working in traditional, digital, and mixed media!

✖️True love is violent✖️

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We’ve met a few times when you did your talk at the AGO. I was the one with the comic im working on, asking to feature one of your songs! I’m so grateful to have met you as your music inspires my work so much, so it means a lot to be able to feature them!

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We’ve met a few times when you did your talk at the AGO. I was the one with the comic im working on, asking to feature one of your songs! I’m so grateful to have met you as your music inspires my work so much, so it means a lot to be able to feature them!

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I’m an illustrator/designer/art director from the Toronto area. I mostly do digitally illustrated portraits, but I also do what I can only unofficially call Sugar Art (see coloured sugar below). my dream is to design promotional materials for bands/artists 🙅🏻‍♀️💕✍🏼

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Saw last week at the ✖️#alliex

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