One thing I really like about are the futuristic/evolved designs of the fighters. From what I hear, they were all drawn by Toriyama! I mean can you imagine Goku or Krillin in those Turtle Hermit Gis when they become masters (albeit with different colors)? I can!

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It's not just the anime but the video games and gave us plenty of colorful eye candy as well. Wait, does Kamin count or is she too white? Dah, who cares? See how diverse we are? Why are you still complaining?

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OWATTA!!! She is my new OC Shiroi. Basically her is a earthling who was found and training for Yardrats. I not reveal more details but i hope you appreciate it.

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Le travail derrière le jeu DRAGON BALL ONLINE était incroyable tant il était fidèle aux origines de la série, cet appel de l'aventure dans un univers mystérieux remplis de secrets que ni Xenoverse ni Kakarot n'a vraiment sur retranscrire.


Quelques exemples:

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A little (late) birthday gift I made for a friend, drawing her OC from the game Dragon Ball Online :3

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