Decided this would be more fun with Purple than an OC of mine. ^^

I ran out of ideas by the time I got to “freespace”, so just chose to show a bit more of what he (maybe) looks like under the armor.

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mermaid purple, murple. he's got the attitude and looks of a beta fish, he's pretty but he'll fight everyone caus he's the best.
my program cracked it halfway through so I had to leave it as a sketch, might revisit it later

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I am artist and no one can stop me. I’ve been watching drag race...

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someone linked panels from a comic with this exact dialogue and I couldnt help myself

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Я таки нарисовала вчера новый ответ в Аск :3
Надеюсь норм. А то в последнее время как то у меня руки опустились

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Наконец пришёл мне мой Зимовский
Вы только гляньте какой он клевый 💖 Ну и это единственный чехол был с моими мальчиками 🥰

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