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【練習絵 07】Almond Eye

0 22

完全なアーモンドアイ / Almond Eye

1104 9188

meat is on the menu @/almond_activatr

249 2579

[oc] Almonde’s 400 year glow-up 😤😤😤 (ignore the thing in the middle)

536 6437

Cheers @/almond_activatr

9 100

[oc] No matter how scary you get at least rest assured that your face card will never truly decline, Almonde 😭

1213 17162

Art! Mini pancake with yoghurt, berry compote and almond slice 🥞🍓

0 34

Thank you @/almond_activatr

355 2442

ALMOND 店内アート担当させていただいた時の…!懐かしいな。。

22 154

Mother almonde

1277 11524

Real OGs remember that Sister Almonde used to be a quilladin gijinka from an old Pokémon nuzlocke 😂

680 8586

[oc] Concept work for the last person in Almonde’s friend group back in the “good” old days. Thought process was “side character with heavy MC energy who doesn’t quite realize yet that this isn’t his story” 🤪

215 2415

[oc] Ref for Almonde when she drops the mother facade a̵n̵d̵ ̵a̵c̵t̵i̵v̵a̵t̵e̵s̵ ̵h̵e̵r̵ ̵d̵e̵v̵i̵l̵ ̵t̵r̵i̵g̵g̵e̵r̵

1818 17617

[oc] Quick and easy Mother Almonde ref sheet for my sanity and those of my moots who wanna draw her

1074 10896

Almond + Chocolate :D

319 2745

[oc] Happy ‘Alloween, drew Almonde and her boys breaking dress code to prep for a not-so-secret party

524 5532

[oc] “As a child, direct moonlight seemed to, without fail, induce a bizarre change in Almonde. Her features would glow and she’d stand as one transfixed, wide eyes on the moon. With time, she learned to control it but it was still a fascinating sight to witness.”

377 4765

[oc] “As a child, direct moonlight seemed to, without fail, induce a bizarre change in Almonde. Her features would glow and she’d stand as one transfixed, wide eyes on the moon. With time, she learned to control it but it was still a fascinating sight to witness.”

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