Superbes créations de autour d'#AloneInTheDark
(oui encore, je sais, vous savez à quel point je peux être monomaniaque)

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Toujours aussi drôle de voir que 3Desk, l'application créée par Frederick Raynal pour a continué (longuement) à être utilisée, notamment pour Starshot (excellent plateformer sorti en 1998 en exclu sur N64).
L'article est issu de Consoles+ numéro 78.

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Comme souvent, avait déjà instauré la galerie de peintures comme un jalon indispensable aussi bien ludique que narratif dans le survival horror.
Ici avec l'œuvre maitresse d'Ezechiel Pregzt, l'antagoniste du jeu.

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I can’t recall very well, but was it the original (1992) computer game that was a kinda precursor to & video games? Kinda locked-mystery horror that got a few good scares out of players before graphics & gaming mechanics got really good?

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"#AloneInTheDark commence de la même manière que le jeu original: Emily Hartwood reçoit une lettre de Jeremy Hartwood. Dans le jeu original, elle n'a pas été informée qu'il s'est pendu, mais dans notre version il ne se pend pas, il lui envoie une lettre comme un appel à l'aide."

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Can we say that 1992 was an amazing year for French video games? 😀

Especially thanks to these four great games 🤩

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Cover artwork for the original Alone in the Dark, 1992.

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I beat with both characters.Differences between'em're just prologue and some animations.The only comment which changed's about Jeremy n Emily's photo.Anyway,love grandpa!

FixedCamera angle's the best way to feel
End of story

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I decided to play as Emily 'cause I feel her character has more about the story since we're talking about the lord of Derceto's nephew.
I'm aware next chapters have Edward as main tho😅
I like the fact she comments on pic:
"here's an uncle Jeremy's photo with me!"

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Conan x Hellboy by (Art director on 2 & 3)
Epic... O_o

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is reportedly coming back, set to be unveiled at the THQ Nordic showcase on Friday, August 12th, according to known reputable insiders: & 🚀

Who else is excited for more horror gaming?😎

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Edward Carnby of is named after John Carnby of The Return of the Sorcerer.

The Return of the Sorcerer is a short horror story by Clark Ashton Smith that ties into H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, which were a huge influence on Alone in the Dark.

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Alone in the Dark remake (Eden Games - 2008)
Project has been cancelled since AITD5 was not as successful as Atari wanted it to be...
Video :

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New episode! “The Radical Shift”. With stunning art by

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Pankapu the Lightkeeper? New mechanics are in work for an upcoming level^^

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