Adrian/Alpharus 26 years old

He grows from 5'10" to 6'8" when he transforms in case height is also relevant.

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Adrian is the reincarnation of the lost demon king of Winter, Alpharus. Despite his title and his previous incarnations rather terrifying reputation, he uses his be abilities to help people and work alongside other magical heroes in the Circle of Nine.

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Honorable Mentions

N'Zira: She's ultimately a war mage, the weather is an ultimately unavoidable weapon.

Alpharus: The demon king of Winter can't necessarily control all weather, but all sorts of cold-based weather can be created by him.

Eldrin: He is half Storm-Dragon.

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Johnny/Mana: Cosmic Demigod, Reality Warper, Nexus of Arcane Magic for the multiverse.

Alpharus, Demon King of Winter: Domain over Ice/snow, the dead, & darkness.

Hunter: High Level Telekinetic

Jax: Aura Enhanced, Superhuman Conditioning, An Assassin who's already fought gods

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Alpharus can do it because the whole of Hell spans all dimensions and he travels through that.

Mana can do it through his Archon powers to teleport interdimensionally.

Jax can use his aura to force open rifts, as long as he knows someone in the universe he's trying to get to.

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Adrian's achieved a level of done that I think will persist through this first arc, and this is still chapter 1.

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