
56 255

No ammo for you

431 4187

“Cool, a gun nun!”

>ammo mechanic

0 6

Ammo Carrier girls are very underrated. Excellent wife material

102 719

Day 465 - out of ammo

have you tried using the chainsaw?

140 757

トレセンも夏季休業期間に入ったので、ammo( )さんとこのトレーナーさんと夏対策ショッピングしてきました。

38 263

Weapon design commision for

Commissioned content:
This is an "unlimited ammo AK" rifle, it is through its non-removable magazine inside the "portal" will be sent directly from the factory into the chamber of the bullet.

55 398



9259 36282

Ammo Belts are Elite LFG Welcome to the

0 4

GM GANG ✨⚔️✨

A great week awaits us!

*|| is your ammo ready? ||*

( -_・) ︻デ═一 💥

12 59

What are you? AN IDIOT SAMMICH!
More Resident Evil 4 - Remake and less efficient aiming! (ammo low)

🎮 https://t.co/FXjJCwSAcz

0 3

When you were doing tactical drills
I studied the Blade
When you were Building ARs
I studied the blade
While you stocked up on ammo
I cultivated Inner Strength
And now that guns are banned and feds are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?

1 9

i love when yuuma says "it's toutetsu time!" and shrugs off 1000 rounds of ammo and punches amidst enemy attacks with her teflon kevlar-infused suit all while massacring the entire hell population with her 21-round 9mm pistol

7 20

i imagined her acting like Bioshock Elizabeth but one ammo at a time
moushly from

5 19