Uhuhuhuhuhum... I'm not a DozenRahyz wannabe....wdymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

6 40

AMTake BF X-mas Updated ;)

145 901


39 232

Finished Helltaker Examtaker

1 2

Another version this time of only one more drawing and we're done and I'm excited cause it's on of my best :)

3 7

Most people don't know this but when I gave scars of my OC on the Examtaker and Angel versions. There not just parts of my OC story but there also references of really bad injuries i had in real life that almost killed me.

4 11

No entiendo porque lo odian tanto si es tan lindo, el siempre esta pensando en los demás antes que en el, el trata de hacer su mejor esfuerzo. No merece el odio que recibe, ni todo lo malo que le pasa 😓

7 33

Happy second anniversary everyone
Hold colored Loremaster by

P.S and I personally go to sleep.

40 419


5 36